Women IF you are looking for the only resource you need to escape your high conflict marriage….

You are in the right place

Create a strategic plan to divorce your high conflict spouse in a safe, secure and fulfilling manner

Some of you reading this might be saying...

I'm done.

Living this way is a nightmare.

I can’t take it any more.

Some of you reading this might be saying...

I'm done.

Living this way is a nightmare.

I can’t take it any more.

If you can relate to any of these feelings, know you are in the right place...

  • Needing to figure out a safe and oriented action plan
  • In complete overwhelm, not knowing who to trust, what to believe and how to feel
  • Ready to make a change while allowing your emotional journey to be acknowledged
  • A woman who just can't live like this anymore...

It’s time to step away from the pain and suffering, for good!

If you can relate to any of these feelings, know you are in the right place...

  • Needing to figure out a safe and oriented action plan
  • In complete overwhelm, not knowing who to trust, what to believe and how to feel
  • Ready to make a change while allowing your emotional journey to be acknowledged
  • A woman who just can't live like this anymore...

It’s time to step away from the pain and suffering, for good!

Are you the wife of a husband who acts like a victim, denies your reality, accuses you of everything he actually does, keeps financial secrets and attacks you at every opportunity he has?

Are you the wife of a husband who acts like a victim, denies your reality, accuses you of everything he actually does, keeps financial secrets and attacks you at every opportunity he has?

you tell yourself... but, marriage is an obligation and I just can't walk away. I made a vow to stay in good times and in bad.

you tell yourself... but, marriage is an obligation and I just can't walk away. I made a vow to stay in good times and in bad.

There's good news! You can stop living in fear of judgment and create a safe, wise and practical plan. Marriage never meant putting up with threatening verbal attacks that force you to alter your behavior to survive the secrecy and gaslighting.

There's good news! You can stop living in fear of judgment and create a safe, wise and practical plan. Marriage never meant putting up with threatening verbal attacks that force you to alter your behavior to survive the secrecy and gaslighting.

You've probably given divorce some serious thought but wrote it off because you didn't know how to proceed and didn't want to sacrifice all the love, time, and energy invested in your marriage.

You've probably given divorce some serious thought but wrote it off because you didn't know how to proceed and didn't want to sacrifice all the love, time, and energy invested in your marriage.

By viewing your situation in clear straight forward, bite sized pieces rather than a messy bowl of emotions and events, it allows for more vision, empowerment and freedom. Allowing you the ability to wisely see divorce as a doable option and receiving the right guidance and support along the way.

By viewing your situation in clear straight forward, bite sized pieces rather than a messy bowl of emotions and events, it allows for more vision, empowerment and freedom. Allowing you the ability to wisely see divorce as a doable option and receiving the right guidance and support along the way.

Or Maybe you've never done anything this scary and feel totally overwhelmed at creating a plan to take control of your situation.

Or Maybe you've never done anything this scary and feel totally overwhelmed at creating a plan to take control of your situation.

Wherever you are in the process of creating a plan to divorce your narcissist, the good news is that we too have felt some of these constraints.

We understand your situation and the feelings you're experiencing.

Wherever you are in the process of creating a plan to divorce your narcissist, the good news is that we too have felt some of these constraints.

We understand your situation and the feelings you're experiencing.

You Are Not Alone!

  • In 2020, there were 2.4 million divorces in the US alone. That’s one every 13 seconds.
  • Two years is the average amount of time women contemplate divorce before they share their thoughts and feelings with ANYONE!
  • It feels like everyone knows someone who is divorced or going through divorce or having a hard time getting over the ordeal.
  • Most of them are full of horror stories of how long it took, how much money they wasted, the damage it did to the kids and how emotional the process was.
  • They have experienced divorce from the old standards of lawyer up, fight it out, get what you can get, live in shame and run for the hills.
  • Which leaves those in damaging marriages to feel they have no choice but to try to make the best of it. Or they feel like it’s their fault their husband is the way he is.

Most of these divorces...

  • Take an average of two years to complete
  • Waste thousands of dollars
  • Create long lasting heartache
  • Hurt the kids
  • Ruin any chance of a co-parenting relationship
  • Lock you into a perpetual negative mindset

And it doesn't have to be this way!

You Are Not Alone!

  • In 2020, there were 2.4 million divorces in the US alone. That’s one every 13 seconds.
  • Two years is the average amount of time women contemplate divorce before they share their thoughts and feelings with ANYONE!
  • It feels like everyone knows someone who is divorced or going through divorce or having a hard time getting over the ordeal.
  • Most of them are full of horror stories of how long it took, how much money they wasted, the damage it did to the kids and how emotional the process was.
  • They have experienced divorce from the old standards of lawyer up, fight it out, get what you can get, live in shame and run for the hills.
  • Which leaves those in damaging marriages to feel they have no choice but to try to make the best of it. Or they feel like it’s their fault their husband is the way he is.

Most of these divorces...

  • Take an average of two years to complete
  • Waste thousands of dollars
  • Create long lasting heartache
  • Hurt the kids
  • Ruin any chance of a co-parenting relationship
  • Lock you into a perpetual negative mindset

And it doesn't have to be this way!

The Secret

The Secret

We have lived the fears, overwhelm and confusion.

We have felt "off" in our skin too.

We're thankful for that because without this experience (ourselves and all of our clients) we wouldn't have had the personal and professional knowledge to create How To Divorce A Narcissist, a program that makes divorcing your narcissist less scary, less impossible, and gives you the strength to move forward... and

we are on a mission to help others just like you!

We have lived the fears, overwhelm and confusion.

We have felt "off" in our skin too.

We're thankful for that because without this experience (ourselves and all of our clients) we wouldn't have had the personal and professional knowledge to create How To Divorce A Narcissist, a program that makes divorcing your narcissist less scary, less impossible, and gives you the strength to move forward... and

we are on a mission to help others just like you!

What IS THE How To Divorce A Narcissist Method?

Paulette here…(I am one half of the HTDAN couple) and I’ve spent the last 5 years building plans for clients to divorce abusive, high conflict narcissistic spouses for clients. Literally hundreds.

Tierra here…(yes, the other half) and I have spent the last decade educating and holding the hands of women who find themselves in narcissistic relationships and deeply desire a brighter, financially secure future.

And every time, we hit the same roadblocks with clients...

  • Difficulty understanding why their partner is the way he is
  • Complete overwhelm
  • Not knowing who to trust, what to believe and how to feel
  • Figuring out a safe and action oriented plan
  • Sticking to the formula but still allowing their emotional journey to be acknowledged

Paulette here…(I am one half of the HTDAN couple) and I’ve spent the last 5 years building plans for clients to divorce abusive, high conflict narcissistic spouses for clients. Literally hundreds.

Tierra here…(yes, the other half) and I have spent the last decade educating and holding the hands of women who find themselves in narcissistic relationships and deeply desire a brighter, financially secure future.

And every time, we hit the same roadblocks with clients...

  • Difficulty understanding why their partner is the way he is
  • Complete overwhelm
  • Not knowing who to trust, what to believe and how to feel
  • Figuring out a safe and action oriented plan
  • Sticking to the formula but still allowing their emotional journey to be acknowledged

As we continued to work with women, we realized that most of the relationships and marriages that they were in were actually the same situations time and time again...

We started working together to break down the tactics their spouses used to make them feel trapped, stuck and controlled where they felt they had no choice but to stay in their controlling, abusive marriage.

As well as the knowledge they needed about the only two workable methods to get them unstuck faster and safer.

Not only that, but by viewing the situation in clear straight forward, bite sized pieces rather than a messy bowl of emotions and events, it allowed for more vision, empowerment and freedom within the decision to wisely see divorce as a doable options as long as they were guided and supported along the way.

We believe that all women should be provided a beautiful, clear roadmap as well as a strategy.

That’s the core of what we stand for…

Knowledge + Strategy

We have been called...

"I am truly grateful to Paulette for expertly guiding me to transform my life and to reach for my dreams and joys. I'm so glad I didn’t throw in the towel, even during my personal times of stress, which Paulette helped me to greatly overcome! When life throws you curveballs you have a choice to suffer in silence or focus on your future. I am so grateful for all of her commitment to ensuring my success!"

- Sandy

We believe that all women should be provided a beautiful, clear roadmap as well as a strategy.

That’s the core of what we stand for…

Knowledge + Strategy

We have been called...

"I am truly grateful to Paulette for expertly guiding me to transform my life and to reach for my dreams and joys.

I'm so glad I didn’t throw in the towel, even during my personal times of stress, which Paulette helped me to greatly overcome!

When life throws you curveballs you have a choice to suffer in silence or focus on your future. I am so grateful for all of

her commitment to ensuring my success!" - Sandy

Knowledge & Strategy go hand in hand with success. They work together

to create MAGIC

That's why we're

so proud to introduce...

At The End of How To Divorce A Narcissist, you'll have...

  • Clear efficient knowledge and direction you can understand and sustain.

  • The unique ability to move resiliently through extreme stress.

  • A plan and strategy for how to prepare and protect yourself, and your children.

  • A working knowledge of all the types, habits and behaviors narcs use and how to manage your emotional response.

and finally get your power back


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Show them that they can



wasted time....


wasted money....


frustration etc....


Take a look at what we will cover...


Take a look at what we will cover...

go deeper into the benefits

How can you drive home the results more? Get as specific as possible.

Introduction: What is your "PRICE OF EXIT"

  • We will work through your emotional and financial foundations including how to set aside funds, your best action steps and gaining clarity on your "why" because if you have a strong enough reason why the "how" is easy!

Module 1: Divorce 101-Determining Your Why

You'll be ready to understand:

  • If divorce is a choice, a better choice, or your only choice and how to focus on your exit strategy
  • What’s holding you back, how to manage fears and learn how to take care of yourself during the divorce process
  • The logistics of preparing to leave, identifying your triggers, how to cope with your triggers and identifying your goals to move you forward

Module 2: Narc 101-Facing All Your Fears

You'll learn:

  • The foundation of narcissistic personality disorder, the types of narcissists, behaviors and tactics they use to control you so you can understand exactly what you’re dealing with
  • The tools to stay 10 steps ahead of your narcissistic spouse during the divorce
  • How to create your safe support system and the 31 Deal Breakers/Red Flags that signal different types of abuse in a relationship

Module 3: Divorce 201-Figuring Out The How

You'll deep dive into:

  • How to tell your spouse you want a divorce
  • How to pay for your divorce
  • Knowing that you may need a team of experts but not sure where to start
  • This module covers all aspects of divorce and then some!

Module 4: Narc 201-Build Better Boundaries

You’ll uncover the eye opening truth of:

  • Why you need to build better boundaries
  • Learning to say no
  • Restoring your self confidence so you can go forward in strength and learn how to effectively communicate with a narcissist

Module 5: Divorce 301-demystification of the divorce process

You’ll walk away with:

  • Which divorce methods you should consider and why, and receive an overview of mediation vs litigation processes
  • What is marital property vs non-marital property
  • Understanding how child support is determined and the difference between legal and physical custody
  • Knowing how to work with an attorney, fee structures and how to locate hidden assets.

Module 6: Narc 301-What's your miracle angle?

You’ll get clarity on:

  • How to manage your narcissistic ex post divorce
  • The 6 stages of grief
  • How to celebrate your strengths and avoid being stuck in your divorce story so you can heal

Module 7: Divorce 401-post divorce preservation

You’ll get set up with:

  • Negotiation and communication skills to avoid future litigation
  • What to do if you or your ex is in contempt
  • How to enforce your agreement

Module 8: narc 401-the future is here

You’ll master how to:

  • Move on and avoid getting stuck in your old story
  • Not be a Narcissist magnet
  • Answer the question "What do I do now?" that many divorced women struggle with
  • Receive your own personal future wealth and vision map

Don't Take Our Word For It

Nadia left an abusive marriage and received both marital homes, full custody of her children and child support and alimony.

Gloria was able to keep the marital home and receive primary custody of her 7 children and is happily dating an amazing man.

Katerina was able to heal from her runaway husband, secure her financial future by following her entrepreneurial spirit and engaging in a solid new relationship with a partner that checks all her boxes.

Susie is gaining the courage and skills to manage a long high conflict litigated divorce from a 38 year marriage with high assets.

Riley is clearly moving forward now that she knows her core values and is successfully dating a man that supports her unique passions.

Rickie and Crystal mediated in less than 5 hours to come to a satisfying resolution for themselves and the betterment of their children.

Kelly was able to process and heal from her divorce and gain enough clarity and confidence to publish her first book.

Rebecca, who was terrified to stay in the marital home one more day, gained the wisdom and courage to stand up for herself and gain full custody of her 3 children despite years of control.

Don't Take Our Word For It

Nadia left an abusive marriage and received both marital homes, full custody of her children and child support and alimony.

Gloria was able to keep the marital home and receive primary custody of her 7 children and is happily dating an amazing man.

Katerina was able to heal from her runaway husband, secure her financial future by following her entrepreneurial spirit and engaging in a solid new relationship with a partner that checks all her boxes.

Susie is gaining the courage and skills to manage a long high conflict litigated divorce from a 38 year marriage with high assets.

Riley is clearly moving forward now that she knows her core values and is successfully dating a man that supports her unique passions.

Rickie and Crystal mediated in less than 5 hours to come to a satisfying resolution for themselves and the betterment of their children.

Kelly was able to process and heal from her divorce and gain enough clarity and confidence to publish her first book.

Rebecca, who was terrified to stay in the marital home one more day, gained the wisdom and courage to stand up for herself and gain full custody of her 3 children despite years of control.

The How To Divorce A Narcissist Method

  • Who's On Your Team of Experts Playbook
  • Relationship & Behavior Timeline Template
  • 4 Categories of Court Concerns Tutorial
  • Methods of Divorce Tutorial
  • How to Get Organized, Research and Prepared So That You Can Protect Yourself Planner
  • Personality Assessment

Included in the How To Divorce A Narcissist Method

  • Who's On Your Team of Experts Playbook
  • Relationship & Behavior Timeline Template
  • 4 Categories of Court Concerns Tutorial
  • Methods of Divorce Tutorial
  • How to Get Organized, Research and Prepared So That You Can Protect Yourself Planner
  • Personality Assessment

You ALSO get all of these “gonna get the job done” bonuses!


The legal process demystified with family law attorney masterclass with Ashley Pepitone (Value $400)


How to create a co-parenting plan with a narcissist masterclass with Karina Panzarelli (Value $400)


How to create a winning financial plan Masterclass with Lauren Tanksley CDFA (Value $400)


The legal process demystified with family law attorney masterclass with Ashley Pepitone (Value $400)


How to create a co-parenting plan with a narcissist masterclass with Karina Panzarelli (Value $400)


How to create a winning financial plan Masterclass with Lauren Tanksley CDFA (Value $400)


What to do with the marital home masterclass with Steven Rigo CDLP (Value $400)


How to tell your spouse you want a divorce and keep the peace masterclass with Kim Korven (Value $400)


Private Facebook group coaching with Tierra and Paulette

(Value Priceless)


What to do with the marital home masterclass with Steven Rigo CDLP (Value $400)


How to tell your spouse you want a divorce and keep the peace masterclass with Kim Korven (Value $400)


Private Facebook group coaching with Tierra and Paulette

(Value Priceless)


Better Divorce Summit (Value $37)


WeParent and Support Pay APP lifetime membership (Value $297)


Better Divorce Summit (Value $37)


WeParent and Support Pay APP lifetime membership (Value $297)

are you ready?

You can leave behind the chaos and create the peaceful and successful future you deserve.

Total Value = ($8,231)

Total Value = ($8,231)



Not sure if you are married to a narcissist?


Take a look at what our clients are saying and all the ways they are thriving after How To Divorce A Narcissist

Are you ready to break free with a safe plan that will change your life for the better?

One tried and true strategy can literally be the difference between a successful course of action and one that never gets off the ground.

Even women in the most abusive, controlling and painful marriages attribute their success to strategy and support.

Divorcing a narcissist the old fashioned traditional way is expensive, long and very painful.

That’s good news, because it means that your future is waiting for you to take charge, show up and create the narc free, financially secure and fulfilling life you deserve.

That’s good news, because it means that your future is waiting for you to take charge, show up and create the abuse free, financially secure and gorgeous life

you deserve.

We’ll see you on the inside.



What if I am not ready to do anything yet?

There's no need to act until you're ready. But by joining the program before you're ready, you'll have a complete action plan financially and mentally to move forward safely and quickly when the time is right.

How can I know for sure that this is confidential?

You will access the course using a 2 step login process with a confidential login and password. You won't ever receive an email or correspondence that mentions divorce or your personal details.

What if I am not ready to do anything yet?

There's no need to act until you're ready. But by joining the program before you're ready, you'll have a complete action plan financially and mentally to move forward safely and quickly when the time is right.

How can I know for sure that this is confidential?

You will access the course using a 2 step login process with a confidential login and password. You won't ever receive an email or correspondence that mentions divorce or your personal details.

What if I can’t keep up with the pace of the course?

There's no need to act until you're ready. But by joining the program before you're ready, you'll have a complete action plan financially and mentally to move forward safely and quickly when the time is right.

Can I receive 1:1 Coaching?

Yes, we do provide the option for you to add 1:1 confidential coaching. Just reach out by email or in Facebook and we can discuss your options.

How long should I expect it to take me to complete the course?

The average time is 8 weeks, but you can always go slower if you need to.

Can I receive 1:1 Coaching?

Yes, we do provide the option for you to add 1:1 confidential coaching. Just reach out by email or in Facebook and we can discuss your options.

How long should I expect it to take me to complete the course?

The average time is 8 weeks, but you can always go slower if you need to.

Can you guarantee my results?

We can guarantee if you do all the lessons and all the homework and apply all that you learn your results in receiving a better, smoother, safer, less expensive and shorter outcome are greatly increased than if you do nothing and allow your partner to control the process.

Can you guarantee my results?

We can guarantee if you do all the lessons and all the homework and apply all that you learn your results in receiving a better, smoother, safer, less expensive and shorter outcome are greatly increased than if you do nothing and allow your partner to control the process.

We promise that you CAN do this.

But the best part, you don’t even have to believe us!


we know you will love it

Participate in the full course to explore the materials and experience How To Divorce A Narcissist movement and then make a life changing decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t.

Contact us at support@howtodivorceyournarc.com